If you’re trying to kick your coffee or energy drink habit but either can’t or don’t want to give up caffeine entirely, you may be able to wean yourself down to a more reasonable amount by switching to iced teas. They are great drinks for anyone who needs assistance getting a little extra concentration or energy to focus. Many excessive caffeine drinkers have chosen to detox to a lower amount by transitioning to iced tea over coffee or other high-caffeine beverages.”
Ice Teas are made with black tea and have added health benefits like:
Boosting Antioxidants
With 8-10 times the amount of polyphenols in black tea as there are in fruits and vegetables, drinking iced tea is a great way to boost your antioxidants. These micronutrients are great for everything from treating digestion issues to slowing Parkinson’s Disease and other neurodegenerative conditions. What a great reason to drink up!
Improving Memory
Because of the affects of polyphenols on the brain, as shown above, drinking tea is also a wonderful way to improve your memory. Green and black teas, specifically, inhibit certain enzymes that break down chemical messengers in your mind; this can lead to better recall. The next time you forget to put shoes on your child and drive him to school (totally a friend’s story), it might be time for an iced tea.
Increasing Bone Density
While beverages like coffee and caffeinated soda pops can negatively affect your bone density, tea drinkers rejoice! Scientific studies have shown that drinking tea can actually increase your bone density, making it a great way to prevent osteoporosis.
Preventing Cancer
The massive amounts of antioxidants found in iced tea can also prevent cancer. Because of their effect on free radicals, they protect your cells from DNA damage. While drinking tea too hot can cause esophageal cancer (please keep your tea at a reasonable temperature, people), there’s no harm in drinking it cold – so bring on that ice!
Strengthening Teeth
One of the few natural sources of fluoride, tea also provides increased dental health. In addition to building stronger teeth, both green and black tea compounds attack harmful bacteria in the mouth. This can prevent cavities, gum disease, oral cancer, and even bad breath. Drinking iced black or green tea (without tooth-destroying sweeteners, of course) will definitely make your mouth happy.
Overall, if you’re limiting the amount of caffeine in a day and you’re just enjoying a refreshing iced tea to change up your pace of drinking plain water to keep you hydrated, iced tea is a perfect choice.